Friday, 4 October 2013

Lenovo NoteBook - Print Ads

Lenovo NoteBook - Print Ads

Demonstration advertising is used to illustrate the advantages of using the Lenovo Notebook by portraying the exact benefits like easily portable, liquid resistant, less complex etc.,

Different features and Advantages of using the Lenovo laptops is portrayed in different print ads below. Pictures show that Lenovo notebooks are weight less and can handled easily even in space.
And also notebook body is resistant to water or any other liquid, notebook can be handled without stress and operated easily. 

" Saving the Notebook, Saving the Data, Saving the Day"

 " How much liquid is too much for Lenovo?"

" Eliminating Stress with the push of a Single Button"

" To Build the world's first Weightless Notebook"

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Different World @ Different speed in One processor - Powered By Intel

Animation is used as execution style in Intel's chase Ad. Animated scenes are drawn by the artists or created on the computer to develop an Ad. Since this processor is targeted towards gamers, Animation style is used for making the Ad.

Intel Chase Ad - Commercial
Intel came with the Chase Ad for the I-5 processor which supports higher end games and all end applications. At the same time it supports multiple applications. In ad we can see that Different world will be shown at different phase supported by one processor inside the machine.

Print Ad - Intel I 5 Chase Ad

Lenovo Engineered for Engineers

Lenovo came with Print Ads - We Make tools You make Them Do

Technical/ Scientific evidence is used as a execution style in these print ads. These Ads Symbolizes Engineers working in Lenovo Notebook which supports all High Engineering applications for Designing the Tools.

In the following ads you can see that manufacturing parts displayed in the Ads are designed using the Lenovo Notebooks and its used in the atmosphere of wear & tear.

MicroSoft - We See Campaign

Imagery - Execution style
These execution styles generally contain little or no information about the brand or the company and almost totally visual. This execution style is used in the ads because  customers will associate this imaginary thoughts with the product developed by Microsoft.

Microsoft Inspired to create software with the Imagination of future world. Following ads portrays that Software giant Microsoft Imagines and Visualizes the future world around  each and every individual and creates software for the world. Following visuals and print ads show how they imagine and see things around the world and develop application for the world.

Microsoft TV- Commercials

Print Ads of We See Campaign of Microsoft 

Dramatic Ads By Ranbir for Lenovo Notebooks

Combination of different appeals are being in these ads. Informational appeal  with the Dramatic execution style has been used in these ads. Latest ads, Ranbir kapoor featured to dramatize the new feature of Lenovo Slim models. 

Tv commercials of Lenovo with Ranbir


Print Ad of Lenovo for the Support Services

Technology & Innovation driven by Work Culture in Organization

Hewlett Packard 

Dramatized Ad of HP shows the work environment of the organization with the tag line - Happiness is a Fine tuned Business. 
In this Ad it clearly shows the work environment of Hewlett Packard. Dramatization style is used for the execution of the Ad. Visuals of the Ad shows that Tune of Happiness will be delivered only through the combined efforts or individual tunes of happiness. In way Hewlett Packard says through this advertisement is that Innovation, performance and quality of service is delivered by every individual of the organization is because of the Happiness in the Work Environment.

Intel - Sponsors of Tomorrow
In the New Era of Advertising Intel used its own employees to feature in Television commercials. Innovation has been in the center of focus always when it comes to work in Intel. Visuals below will show us the difference in work culture of Intel compared to Other Technology companies. 
Here Ajay Bhatt - Co- Inventor of USB has featured in the Ad and also shares a same floor with the co-workers. 

Intel - Mind Control Ad
Intel in this Ad has shown that two employees of Intel are competing in the stage with Mind controlling sensors imposed on them. Ad implies that Meeting in Intel is different from the meeting organised in other organization. Innovative ideas and thoughts of every individual is put forward in stage where everyone can see and enjoy. Watch this Ad...

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Face recognition technology in Lenovo Notebook

Lenovo's print ad for the Face recognition technology in Laptops. 

Informational/ Rational appeal is used by the Advertising agency for the Print Ad to show the face recognition feature in Lenovo Notebook. Instead of portraying the face recognition feature as part of the print ad and explaining the features of it. Face of the end user is placed inside the text for password by which the used is recognized to Login.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro: 4 Awesome Modes, 1 Incredible Machine

A Full time laptop with a part time tablet with 4 awesome modes of operation. In the video below we can see how a Lenovo notebook can be used in four awesome modes of usage. With a touch screen taken to the next level in the technology world, Laptop manufacturing giants have capitalized on the advancements in the industry.

In this model of Notebook lenovo, Display can be quickly removed separately and used as a tablet. More Importantly its very flexible and moved to angle of 360 degree. Commercial below will show us, How a consumer can use the notebook in four different modes.

HP Envy X2 - Best Buy

Hewlett Packard - Best Buy Commercial on Multipurpose HP Laptops

Unlike other Ads used for Marketing any product, HP uses channel partner to advertise the product in the commercial. Best Buy is one of the leading website for the online shopping of consumer durable items. In this Rationale/ Informational appeal executive from Best Buy is explaining about the features of HP Envy X2

HP Envy X2 - Commercial
Ad below shows the features of  HP Envy X2 features. It is the Informational ad which depicts the features of the Envy X2.

Touch screen technology in Laptops - Commercial Ads

Acer commercial for the Touch screen Notepads. In the Ad shown below it is partially Informational/ Rational appeal but directly it doesn't signify the touch feature of the Acer Notepads. Instead Ad was dramatized in way that few things in the world are not meant to be touched / too far to touch and feel / Barriers to touch the things you want and many more things. And finally it gives a informational appeal telling that Touch technology is powered by Acer in Windows 8.0 platform.

Dell Inspiron - Inspired by passion powered by Touch
Dell- Market leader in the Laptop and Notebooks has come with the Commercial for the Touch technology. Due to raising interest and excitement  towards touch technology has forced all leading laptop manufactures to improvise touch technology in their respective brands. But the biggest question, How far laptop's innovation, sales and usage will be driven by the touch technology like smart phones, I-Pads and Tablets.
Can these over come with help of convertible Notebooks??

Lenovo & Ranbir Kapoor 
Lenovo endorsed Ranbir Kapoor for advertising the Notebooks. Lenovo came up with the New technology of touch and more modified design of Laptops. Lenovo redefined the image of their Notebooks and Laptops. Print Ad below shows the celebrity using the touch technology and price of the Notebook along with the offers are addressed in the Ad.

Microsoft Vs Apple

Microsoft launched Windows surface launched in June 2013 competitor for Apple I-Pad.  Recently Microsoft came out with  ads which was directly attacking I-Pad. In Advertising terms we call it as Comparative advertising. In such advertisement, competitors are directly attacked with a appeal known as Competitive advantage appeal.

In Competitive advantage appeal advertisement, it is a practice of either directly or indirectly naming/ displaying competitors in an ad and comparing one or more specific attributes. Here in the ads shown below, Microsoft compares various attributes of Windows surface with I- Pad.

Price of Microsoft Surface &  I-Pad

  • I- Pad - Rs. 45900 (32Gb)
  • Microsoft  - Rs. 42875 (32Gb)

* For the price of different specifications visit Apple & Microsoft site

In Ads below it is shown that Windows Surface has the competitive advantage over I-Pad in terms of attributes like USB port, External keyboard, Multitasking and many other features.

Microsoft Surface commercial 

Surface RT Vs I- Pad